Επιχορήγηση «e-Λιανικό»

Subject: Inclusion of an act with code N16ΛΕ-0379618 in the Action "e-Retail - Subsidy of existing SMEs in the retail sector, for the development / upgrade and management of an online store" of the OP. "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPANEK)", NSRF 2014 - 2020 - Code 034KE

Ref .: (a) No. AP 3541 / 17-06-2021 Decision for Integration of State Aid Acts in the framework of the call "e-Retail - Subsidy of existing SMEs in the retail sector, for the development / upgrade and management of electronic store »of the OP "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPANEK)", NSRF 2014 - 2020 - Code 034KE in the framework of the Operational Program "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPANEK)" of the NSRF 2014 - 2020

We would like to inform you that, in accordance with the above relevant decision, your application with code N16LE-0379618, which you submitted in this Action, was approved for funding with a subsidized budget of € 5,000.00 and corresponding public funding of € 5,000.00.

The start date of expenditure eligibility is set at 18/03/2020.

The above relevant Ministerial Decision can be found on the website of EYD / EPANEK (www.antagonistikotita.gr), of our Agency (www.elanet.gr), on the website of EFEPAE (www.efepae.gr), as well as on DIAVGEIA website, (http://et.diavgeia.gov.gr) with Internet Posting Number (ΑΔΑ): ΑΔΑ: 6ΟΑΣ46ΜΤΛΡ-ΠΥΧ.

The complete picture of your project to be implemented is recorded in the Technical Annex, which describes in detail the approved Physical and Financial Object of it and which is posted in the Information System of State Aid (www.ependyseis.gr/mis). In order to get knowledge, you enter the system with your passwords (username and password of the Submission) select the Action menu on the left and then the action "Submissions". Then click on the code of your project and then on the right side the option "Print Technical Annex of the Decision of Integration".